Exodus 3 -4 Pastor Gaylon Clark continues the series called “When the Church Leaves the Building” with the message “Please Get Somebody Else”. What do we do after the closing prayer on Sunday? Having gathered with the saved on Sunday, how do we partner with God in witnessing to the unsaved the rest of the week? Moses is a good …
Mission Possible
Ezekiel 37:1-14 Rev. DeVry Anderson, reminds us that when God has given us a vision, even a vision that seems impossible, God is still able to do the impossible.
The Fear That Lies Beneath
Pastor Clark is beginning a new series entitled What Lies Beneath. We are addressing the hidden enemies that keep us from fighting for what God says is ours and getting to the root of the problem so we can live the life God has for us. Today Pastor Clark speaks on “The Fear That Lies Beneath.” We look at a …