who we are

We aim to know god and grow spiritually.

At Greater, our ministry focus is grounded in simplicity. We prioritize relevant Bible teaching that speaks to the realities of our lives. We engage in vibrant and uplifting worship experiences that ignite our hearts with passion and praise. Additionally, we intentionally cultivate an environment where meaningful relationships can thrive, recognizing the vital role they play in our spiritual journey. Join us as we embark on this pursuit of knowing God, growing spiritually, and creating spaces where authentic connections can flourish.

Our Values

Pray First

We pray before everything we do.

God's Opinion

We rely on God's Word not our own ideas.

Relationships that matter

We urge our members to do life together.

The power of Positivity

We expect great things from God and assume the best about others.

Unnecessary Kindness

We surprise people with kindness.

A casual atmosphere

We love a good laugh, a relaxed dress code, and the freedom to be who we are.

Meet the team


Gaylon Clark

Lead Pastor


Vecente Coatney

Assistant Pastor

Denise Sockwell

Church Administrator

Jessica Andrew

Children's Director


Kim Walker

Membership Engagement Director


Clarence Conner

Media Director


Dr. Brandon Jones

Student Pastor

What We Believe

Get In touch.

We would love to hear from you! Visit us this weekend or reach out using the following contact information.


4301 Tannehill Lane
Austin, TX 78721


Phone: 512.478.7578
Email: info@gmzaustin.org

Service Times

In-Person & Online
Sundays @ 9:45AM & 12PM