Nehemiah 7:73-8:12 Today, Pastor Gaylon Clark continues his “Show Your Love” series with a sermon “Put Some Respeck on My Word”. We show God love when we believe the word of God is the word of God.
Chop It Up
Pastor Clark continues the Show Your Love series by reminding us that God expects his children to talk to him in public worship. God is saying to us, “Don’t give me the silent treatment in the sanctuary!” We are here to chop it up with God at church.
Praise Is What I Do
Pastor Vecente’ Coatney brings a sermon entitled “Praise is What I Do”. We often think about how good God has been to us. An incredible God deserves and incredible praise. He teaches from Psalm 34 that unceasing praise is the only appropriate response we have to give to God for His unfailing providence, power, and protection.
First Things First
Women’s Ministry Leader, Rev. Denise Pierce’s, message is entitled “First Things First”. Her sermon comes from the book of Esther. Although this book is about Esther whose story is absolutely incredible, today’s focus is on Queen Vashti.
The Lord of the Breakthrough
Men’s Ministry Leader, Rev. DeVry Anderson, brings the message entitled “The Lord of The Break Through”. The term breakthrough really has three different functional definitions. Rev. DeVry illustrates that breakthroughs are about us, as Christians, aligning our wills and purposes with God’s will and purpose for our lives.
Building a Resilient Faith
Guest Preacher Pastor Jeremy Upton brings the sermon “Building a Resilient Faith”. We have to develop a resilience in our faith. The more pressure we face, the stronger our faith gets.
Winning the War Over Worry
Pastor Vecente’ Coatney brings a sermon entitled “Winning the War Over Worry”. We win the war over worry when we maintain a posture of praise, make prayer our highest priority, and are motivated by the promise of peace.
Star Witness
Rev. Keiko Anderson brings a message entitled “Star Witness”. GOD wants us to lead a quiet life, mind our business, and work so that we can be a STAR WITNESS. This requires us to love others more and more.