Struggling with defeat? Guest Pastor Kevin White of Waco, Texas closes our Restart With Jesus series with an inspirational message about bouncing back from failures.
Stay Connected
You were created to connect with Christ during this season of quarantine and it is even more important for us to remember how powerful this connection can be. Pastor Coatney helps us to reflect on the various aspects of our relationship with the Lord as we abide in Him. Parable of the vine John 15.
Serving Like the Savior
Jesus came to earth as savior but chose to serve those he interacted with. We can look to Jesus as our model for how to showcase love and compassion to our neighbors.
The Intercessor
At the end of our lives we will be remembered by the words we chose to speak and the actions we chose to take. As we look at John 17, we are reminded of the specific words Jesus chose to use to speak to those in his time and to us 2,000+ years later. In His farewell address, Jesus chose …
Start Where You Are
Many times in our lives we want to wait for the perfect circumstances to move forward on what God wants for us, guest minister Rashawn Copeland joins us and reminds us that where you are, right now, is exactly where God wants you to start.
Help From the Holy Spirit
Pastor Vecente Coatney brings today’s sermon “Help From the Holy Spirit”. Jesus wants us to know that in order to become all that God desires and destines us to be, it requires that we rely on the help that comes from the Holy Spirit.
The Good Shepherd
Jesus calls himself the Good Shepherd, he is a shepherd like his Father. This indicates his Oneness with the Heavenly Father, it points to his divine nature and that he is God’s chosen leader for our lives.
When God’s People Pray
During times of stress, anger, and frustration praying often isn’t our first resort. Pastor Coatney reminds us of the peace and power connected to our prayers.
The Zealous One
Rev. Denise Pierce continues the Restart with Jesus series by asking if our hearts break for the same things that break Jesus’? What injustices around us are worth breaking the status-quo to change? Join us as we delve into John 2:13-25 with the message The Zealous One.
Manna 2.0
Pastor Clark continues the Restart with Jesus series helping us understand the significance of manna throughout the Bible and how Jesus, ‘upgraded’ manna for us all.