I Just Need a Break
Just as God calls us to work, He also invites us to rest because He knows that we need a moment of r...
God's Economy
Rev. Denise Pierce speaks on the subject of "God's Economy," focusing on 2 Corinthians 8:9: "For you...
Company Values
Just as our employers have company values, as followers of Christ, God has established values, 8 bea...
Reasons for Work
Work isn’t just a place to earn a paycheck; it’s where we grow in maturity. It’s more than just a jo...
God at Work
Life in Rhythm helps us discover God’s design for work and relationships. Through this series, we’ll...
Making Your Problem...My Problem
As followers of Christ, we are called to love our neighbors as ourselves, making their pain and diff...
Good News for the City
As believers, we are called to recognize that our city, our neighborhood, and our family matter deep...
Light Up the World
As believers, we are the light of the world, light has a purpose and function. Pastor Brandon Jones ...
The Mind Diet
As believers, our mental diet is everything, our brain health is inextricably linked to our spiritua...