God is a keeper and we can walk with confidence even when life seems out of control. In this message, Pastor Coatney helps us to see the power and presence of God in our lives as we navigate helpless situations.
When God Turns It Around
Many of us have been raised with the expectation of our stories ending in a ‘happily ever after’ life. However, what do you do when life throws you a curve ball? God specializes in turning things around if you are willing to leverage your faith.
Contents Under Pressure
Today’s message is about when to go to God as our Rock and gaining proper resolution when the pressure is at its Highest. Rev. Dr. Brandon Jones touched on these points: Knowing when to Talk to “THE ROCK”. Knowing how to Obey “THE ROCK”. Acting like you Know “THE ROCK”.
A Mother’s Prayer
As we celebrate Mother’s Day, Rev. Denise Pierce walks us through Mary’s interaction with a young Jesus. How does a mother balance birthing, nurturing, and raising children that ultimately are uniquely their own individuals in Christ?
Send Me an S.O.S.
Are you prepared for physical emergencies? Flashlight, emergency water, etc.? In this message, Rev. Keiko Anderson challenges us to make sure we are ready, spiritually for the troubles that may come. The story of Daniel and the lion’s den gives us insight into our RESCUE plan.
When God Turns It Around
Many of us have been raised with the expectation of our stories ending in a ‘happily ever after’ life. However, what do you do when life throws you a curve ball? God specializes in turning things around if you are willing to leverage your faith.
Contents Under Pressure
Today’s message is about the results when of what when to God as our Rock. Gaining proper resolution when the pressure is at its Highest. Dr. Brandon Jones touched on these points: Knowing when to Talk to “THE ROCK”. Knowing how to Obey “THE ROCK”. Acting like you Know “THE ROCK”.
A Mother’s Prayer
As we celebrate Mother’s Day, Rev. Denise Pierce walks us through Mary’s interaction with a young Jesus. How does a mother balance birthing, nurturing, and raising children that ultimately are uniquely their own individuals in Christ?
Send Me an S.O.S.
Are you prepared for physical emergencies? Flashlight, emergency water, etc.? In this message, Rev. Keiko Anderson challenges us to make sure we are ready, spiritually for the troubles that may come. The story of Daniel and the lion’s den gives us insight into our RESCUE plan.
Managing Misfortune
Are you in a season of life where no one around you understands the need or frustration you are going through? In these seasons, God often wants to mold and change your heart through that same adversity, if you are willing to persevere through the discomfort.