As we celebrate Mother’s Day, Rev. Denise Pierce walks us through Mary’s interaction with a young Jesus. How does a mother balance birthing, nurturing, and raising children that ultimately are uniquely their own individuals in Christ?
Making the Best of a Bad Situation
Pastor Coatney helps us cope with the unprecedented season that we are in. He challenges us to keep praying and praising God in the midst of your struggle. Psalm 88
The Intercessor
At the end of our lives we will be remembered by the words we chose to speak and the actions we chose to take. As we look at John 17, we are reminded of the specific words Jesus chose to use to speak to those in his time and to us 2,000+ years later. In His farewell address, Jesus chose …
When God’s People Pray
During times of stress, anger, and frustration praying often isn’t our first resort. Pastor Coatney reminds us of the peace and power connected to our prayers.
The Winemaker
Pastor Clark continues the ‘Restart with Jesus Series’ by focusing on Jesus’ water to wine miracle. When it comes to joy, the leadership of Jesus matters. He can introduce you to the joy you never had or have since forgotten.
What’s Your Next Move?
Pastor Gaylon Clark teaches from 1 Peter 2:1-3 with the sermon entitled “What’s Your Next Move?”. Spiritual growth is a gift we give ourselves and we have to choose to grow intentionally. As we determine where we are spiritually we have to determine our next move.
The Choice to Rejoice
Today, Pastor Gaylon Clark brings a sermon entitled “Choice to Rejoice”. He shares a passage where Paul is urging us to choose joy wherever we are. Paul was not urging us to do something he could not do himself. He was not asking us to do the impossible or pretend to be okay when we are not, but to rejoice.
The Perfect Church
We celebrate our 89th Year Church Anniversary! Sharing with us is guest Pastor Blake Wilson of Crossover Bible Fellowship in Houston TX. His sermon is entitled “The Perfect Church”.
When Life Makes You Want to Quit
There are times in our lives when everything that could go wrong does go wrong. But we are reminded that we should refocus on the Right Stuff, realize that God will Refresh Us, and we will find refuge in the ROCK. Pastor Vecente’ Coatney II brings the message this Sunday. His sermon is entitled ” When Life Makes You Wanna …
Today we are looking at a passage that simplifies God’s expectations. That helps us understand what it looks like to worship God daily. Pastor Gaylon Clark begins a new series called “Show Your Love Daily”. His message is entitled “Keep. It. Simple.”.