There are seasons in our lives where we feel stuck and can’t figure out how to get out. Rev. Keiko Anderson helps us by looking at Peter and interaction with someone who was stuck to identify the 5 keys to getting unstuck. Acts 9:32-35
Stay Connected
You were created to connect with Christ during this season of quarantine and it is even more important for us to remember how powerful this connection can be. Pastor Coatney helps us to reflect on the various aspects of our relationship with the Lord as we abide in Him. Parable of the vine John 15.
Start Where You Are
Many times in our lives we want to wait for the perfect circumstances to move forward on what God wants for us, guest minister Rashawn Copeland joins us and reminds us that where you are, right now, is exactly where God wants you to start.
Dear Fatherhood
Join us today as we hear from our guest speakers, Emmanuel Acho and Worship Pastor of Relentless Church, Todd Galberth, as we celebrate Father’s Day.
When God’s People Pray
During times of stress, anger, and frustration praying often isn’t our first resort. Pastor Coatney reminds us of the peace and power connected to our prayers.
The Zealous One
Rev. Denise Pierce continues the Restart with Jesus series by asking if our hearts break for the same things that break Jesus’? What injustices around us are worth breaking the status-quo to change? Join us as we delve into John 2:13-25 with the message The Zealous One.
The Winemaker
Pastor Clark continues the ‘Restart with Jesus Series’ by focusing on Jesus’ water to wine miracle. When it comes to joy, the leadership of Jesus matters. He can introduce you to the joy you never had or have since forgotten.
What Jesus Did For Us
Pastor Coatney continues the Restart With Jesus series by speaking about the sacrifices made by Christ to showcase the immeasurable love that God has for us. 2 Corinthians 5:21
The Lamb King
Pastor Clark teaches that Jesus as the Lamb of God died in our place and we must trust him for forgiveness. John 1:29-34
The Living Bible
As the Word, Jesus is the primary way God communicates to us, through Jesus God shares his love, his plan and tells us who he is. What matters most to God is conveyed through the life and teaching of his Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Living Bible!
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