Pastor Clark brings today’s message from Psalm 1 where we find that true happiness can only be found in discovering and doing the will of God.
Small Group Questions
After rereading Psalm 1 answer the following questions
1. Discuss some of the things that can make us happy according to the culture? Of the things discussed which ones lead to happiness or some measure of happiness?
2. What makes you most happy in life? Do these things align with what is taught in God’s word? Explain.
3. Are you pleased with how often you expose yourself to the word of God? Why or why not? How can you expose yourself more consistently to God’s word?
4. According to Psalm 1 happiness comes from discovering and obeying the word of God. Below are some specific scriptures. Discuss how obeying them leads to happiness.
a. Matthew 5:14-16
b. Matthew 5:43-48
c. Romans 15:1-2
d. 1 Corinthians 15:58
e. 1 Peter 2:13-15
5. Christians who love and obey the word of God are not always happy. All of us go through seasons (sometimes long seasons) of unhappiness. Why is this so? Does this mean Psalm 1 is not true?