This Sunday, Lead Pastor Gaylon Clark brings the sermon “Between Now and Then”. Whether we are where we are because of our own sin or because God’s sovereign purpose we don’t understand, it’s helpful to know how to thrive between now and then.
Small Group Questions
Read Jeremiah 29:4-14 and answer the following questions
What from the sermon impacted you most profoundly?
2. Have you ever endured adversity for longer than you anticipated? How did it impact you?
3. What lessons did you learn from it?
4. What are the benefits of serving others while enduring adversity?
5. Read the following passages and discuss what they teach us about adversity.
a. Hebrews 12:4-11
b. Romans 5:3-5
c. 1 Peter 1:6-7
d. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
e. Psalm 34:18-19
6. If God decides not to deliver you from your adversity, what changes or adjustments do you need to make in order to still trust Him?