Rev. Denise Pierce brings today’s sermon entitled “Believe God”. She teaches that we should believe God in our head and in our hearts. It is one thing to believe in God and to appreciate that God is there. It is quite another to take God into our hearts and take God at his word; to trust that the promises of this book apply to us.
Small Group Questions
Believe God – Luke 1:45
1. Explain the difference between believing in God and believing God. Use Luke 1:39-45 as a guide.
2. Do you struggle to believe God? If so, how do you overcome the struggle?
3. Consider the Bible’s depictions of a few episodes in Mary’s life and answer the following questions about Christian discipleship:
a. Mary finds Jesus in the temple (Luke 2:41-51) and Mary asks Jesus to help with the wine problem at the wedding in Cana (John 2:1-5). Has Jesus ever talked back to you? In other words, how has Jesus corrected your misunderstanding of His purpose and His way?
b. Mary witnesses the crucifixion from the foot of the cross (John 19:25-27). What suffering are you watching and feel powerless to change? Who are the members of your new family in God?
c. Mary awaits the Holy Spirit in the company of other believers (Acts 1:12-14). Are you praying in wait for something promised from God?
d. Time permitting, your group also might consider Mary’s visit from Saint Gabriel (Luke 1:26-38) and/or Mary’s song of praise (Luke 1: 46-56). Why is submission to God’s will important in the life of a believer? How is praise important in the life a believer?
4. What aspect of Mary’s experience with God strikes you anew this week? How has her discipleship journey encouraged you? How has it helped you to believe God?