Greater MArriages

Building Christ-centered Marriages
Helping you fulfill God’s design and purpose for your marriage.
We offer opportunities to couples preparing for marriage, newlyweds, and couples who have been together for years to build strong marriages and families in the context of community.
Something for every relationship
At Greater, we help you grow together to fulfill God’s design and purpose for your marriage. We believe that the greatest marriages are those where both husband and wife are putting time and energy into their personal relationship with Christ, and are seeking to grow their marriage by putting Jesus at the center of it.

Pre-engagement classes
If you are engaged or seriously dating and considering engagement, our Pre-Engagement Class gives you an opportunity to learn about marriage God’s way and helps you evaluate if you should take the next step in your relationship. This is a 7-week class that addresses such topics as: God’s Plan for Marriage, Finances, Communication, Roles and others.
Marriage Mentoring
In spite of their best efforts, there are times when couples need other couples to help them walk through the inner workings of marriage. We equip marriage mentors to walk alongside other couples to encourage them in their own marriage journey. We are all broken and imperfect, but in relationship we can support one another to have the marriage relationships God has designed for us.
Marriage Counseling
Marriage counseling is available at Greater for marriages in crisis. It is provided by the Pastor for Pastoral Care and trained lay counselors.
Marriage Intensives
From the newly-wed couple to those who are past their 50th anniversary, all marriages can be great. And that’s why we set aside a whole weekend to invest in marriages. The annual intensive is a time of celebrating and growing in God’s design for marriage and family.
Marriage Events
The demands on our time, schedules, and emotions pull us in many different directions but there is one constant challenge facing every couple--to connect. Date nights, holiday celebrations, and game nights provide that nudge we sometimes need to spend one-on-one time with our spouse.
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