We are supporting the existing educational structures in our community created to address the most pressing academic needs. Leaders in education research for Central Texas identified 3rd grade literacy as one of four major problems facing our community. We found that from kindergarten to 3rd grade, a child learns to read. From 3rd grade on, a child reads to learn. If a child is behind grade level at the end of 3rd grade, their academic and economic future is not promising. We partner with Education Connection to provide reading partners for students at schools in our surrounding neighborhoods: Norman Elementary, Decker Lane Elementary and Pecan Springs Elementary.
Other Education Activities
GMZ Scholarship
We provide college or trade-school scholarships for graduating high school seniors of GMZ.
Graduation Celebration
Graduating from high school, trade school, college, and graduate school is a major life accomplishment and we thank God and honor our graduates for their perseverance and resilience at an annual graduation celebration.
Contact education@gmzaustin.org
To learn more about this ministry partner, visit their website: Education Connection https://education-connection.