Lead Pastor Gaylon Clark continues his God Inside series with the sermon “Living While Intoxicated”. In the book of Ephesians, the Apostle Paul leverages this idea of intoxication to teach us one of the most important lessons of the spiritual life. He redeems the concept. He teaches us about an intoxication that does not lead to regret. That is not unwise but wise. That does not leave us vulnerable but makes us strong.
Small Group Questions
Read Ephesians 5:17-21 and answer the following questions.
1. What are some comparisons to being drunk off of wine to being drunk off the Holy Spirit?
2. Being filled with the Holy Spirit means to be controlled by the Spirit. How has the definition Pastor Clark shared different from what you may have thought in the past?
3. In order to be filled with the Spirit we have to reject being filled with other things. What are those things that you need to empty yourself of to experience the filling of the Spirit?
4. In what ways do you see evidence of the Holy Spirit working in your life?
5. Read the following passages and describe what happens when people were filled with the Holy Spirit.
Acts 4:31
Luke 2:25-32
Luke 4:1-2
Acts 7:54-56